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Totale: 4 risultati trovati.

1. Rischi per la salute dalle protesi dentali in titanio
(Sanità e medicina/Odontoiatria)
... Implantologie (Journal of Dental Implantology) 2008; 24(3).   McGuff HS, Jeim-Hall J, Holsinger FC, Jones AA, O'Dell DS, Hafemeister AC. Maxillary osteosarcoma associated with a dental implant. ...
... of their unusual combination of strength, fracture toughness, ionic conductivity, and low thermal conductivity. These attractive characteristics are largely associated with the stabilization of the tetragonal ...
3. Scheda di sicurezza della Zirconia - Usa
(Sanità e medicina/Odontoiatria)
... = 10) Any particulate respirator equipped with an N95, R95, or P95 filter (including N95, R95, and P95 filtering facepieces) except quarter-mask respirators. The following filters may also be used: N99, ...
4. Odontoiatria. Tossicità di zirconio e titanio
(Sanità e medicina/Odontoiatria)
... waste (HLW) with glass powders (''frit"), melting the mixture at high temperature (e.g., 1150 °C)1 in a joule-heated melter lined with ceramic brick,2 and pouring the melt into waste containers. After ...
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